Sierra Madrone Grove, ADF

Sierra Madrone Grove: About our Grove


We are a group of like-minded people who gather to study Druidry and to celebrate the eight Neopagan Druid High Festivals or Holidays. We focus on the traditional Celtic pantheon on the Celtic High Days of Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. On the Solstices and Equinoxes, our emphasis is on the Norse pantheon. Our Grove was founded in the Sacramento, CA area in March 2004.


We hold a variety of workshops, campouts, nature hikes, study sessions and rituals, some open to interested pagans and all open to Grove members. All of our eight rituals are open to the public and include a potluck afterwards when we meet in person. We meet each month for our Dedicant meetings and Druid discussions, and we do hold occasional fundraisers such as yard sales.


Our Grove is affiliated with and sanctioned by Ár nDraiocht Féin (which is Irish Gaelic, is pronounced "arn ree-ocht fane", and means 'Our Own Druidry'), or ADF, which is an international organization devoted to creating a public tradition of Neopagan Druidry, and grants our Grove 501c3 nonprofit status.


We have members who have either completed or are currently working on ADF's Dedicant Program, one who is enrolled in the ADF Clergy Training Program, another in the ADF Generalist Study Program, and a Reiki master. We provide a number of services including house blessings, legal handfastings, funerals, and more. Contact us for more information.


Our liturgist, Rev. Sean Harbaugh, is a consecrated ADF Dedicant Priest,

and thus provides legal clergy for our Grove.


We hold our in person rituals at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento,

located at 2425 Sierra Blvd. (between Howe & Fulton Avenues) in Sacramento, CA.


Our Grove charges no membership fee; however, in order to vote or attend member study sessions, we must be current members of ADF, which runs $30 per year and includes the cost of most study materials. We do welcome donations of any type, including ritual supplies;

ask how you can help.


You are among friends. Please feel free to ask questions and participate in our rituals and workshops, or you can get to know us on the internet first; come visit us on Facebook or Yahoogroups.


If you have any questions about ADF, Sierra Madrone Grove and our rituals/activities, or Neopagan Druidry in general, please feel free to send us an e-mail. Alternately, you can call our message line at 916-288-5673 and one of our officers will get back to you ASAP.


Ár nDraiocht Féin | ADF Northwest Region | Eight Winds Festival | Sacramento Pagan Pride | SMG on Facebook |